Consistency in marketing

October 13, 2020

Change takes time. The results take even longer to show up. The hardest part is not to give up or change the course while waiting for the impact to materialise.

The temptation to switch and change things is everywhere. In investing, it’s called day trading or just trading where you’re chasing after the short-term fluctuations in hope of profiting from them.

Value-investing takes another approach where the short-term does not matter that much since you’re plan is to let the market figure out what you’re already knowing and expecting to happen. Timing is not something you can predict but if the fundamentals are on your side you should see the market prices converge and agree with your view in a longer-term. Usually, that is starting from 3-5 years and further along the line.

The same works in marketing, too. Building a loyal customer base, getting the brand recognised, formulating and setting a tone for your message is an adjustment process. First, nobody knows you. You’re the new kid in the block. Gradually, if you show up continuously, you become a familiar face with a familiar message and you gain recognition.

You will shape and form your place. The clearer your message, the more consistent your positioning and the more awesome your total user experience the faster you may become recognised.

This is not rocket science. Neither it is easy. The hard part is not so much the actual doing. If you’re passionate about the topic and you’re willing to commit to the process the results should show up in time.

The challenge is to be patient. The temptation is to twiddle with things: take shortcuts to get something measurable and tangible. The trouble is that the ways to achieve them might deteriorate the overall accomplishment.

More clicks, more followers, more views, more everything. Getting something is easier than getting the right kind of results. If any views, clicks and sales leads will do that’s one thing but if you’re after the overall success you need quality in everything.

Bailey Richardson touched this topic in my recent interview where she mentioned that building an audience takes its time that may not necessarily align with the business goals or timelines.

If you force something to happen faster than it naturally does something will yield. That is quality, the overall process or the final outcomes in the long-term.

Short-termism can be impatience in disguise. Doing something for the sake of motion regardless of the effects is detrimental but at least you did something, right? It takes more guts to stay the course and stop twiddling. And, showing up and trusting the process whether it is marketing, investing or something else with longer-term impact timelines.