Who Thinks?

August 5, 2004

How can we search for something we know nothing about?
How do we acknowledge or recognize the unknown?

We only know what we know. We only see what we know.
We only hear what we know. But who knows, hears, and sees?

We categorize, conceptualize, and separate—this is our
existence. Our existence is based on separation; we are apart
from our perceptions. It’s a binary world in which we’re living.
Either things are or they are not. I’m me and you are you. We
are not the same. In other words, our existence is relative. We
are only existing in relation to something (i.e., outside world;
a rock, bird, house, person, etc.).

René Descartes said Cogito Ergo Sum (I think therefore I
am). But who thinks? And what happens when we are not
thinking. Thinking means that we categorize, conceptualize,
put thoughts into words—something that is known. How can
we think something new (i.e., something that is unknown to
us)? Where do all the new ideas come from? (Who’s the muse

Krishnamurti might point you to the right direction. But
thinking will only get you so far.

This is the original text, and an edited version can be found in the Fragments of Reality -book.

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